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Kathleen Pfeiffer's Recognition

Kathleen Pfeiffer's Recognition

Kathleen's memoir "Ink" won the 2018 Michigan Writers Cooperative Press competition. Take Root created a dance piece "Ink" and has performed it multiple times.

März Newsletter

März Newsletter

Take Root was featured in a German Newsletter for their 2018 trip to Berlin.

RE/Dance with Take Root

RE/Dance with Take Root

'“Ink” blossoms out of the synergy between its three components: a voice-over reading of Kathleen Pfieffer’s short story about a brother who dies young; long, uninterrupted ribbons of interlocking, weight-bearing movement by its two male-female couples; and original music by company composer Jon Anderson, mixing recording with love piano." “…there is no denying “Ink” nails the paradoxes of grief, as the lost one if both ever present and constantly, irrevocably receding.” -Chicago Tribune



“...well-structured and executed” -Irene Hsiao

Ali named Elite 40 Under 40 Winner

Ali named Elite 40 Under 40 Winner

"Distinguished Professor Jackie Wiggins, chair of OU’s Department of Music, Theatre and Dance, describes Woerner as 'the consummate artist and teacher.'"

Ali in the Oakland Press

Ali in the Oakland Press

"'This is not about me, it’s about the community and I’m so excited to be a part of it.”'

Dance for Parkinson's Disease

Dance for Parkinson's Disease

"Dance for Parkinson’s Disease is a worldwide initiative built to provide fundamental movement techniques in a creative, graceful, fun and safe environment."



November 2015

Ali in the Rochester Post

Ali in the Rochester Post

"Woerner is described as a dynamic performer and teacher who works with artistic integrity, approaching movement with a style that is distinctive, innovative, intelligent and powerful."

Dance for Parkinson's Disease

Dance for Parkinson's Disease

“It’s by far the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done,” said Woerner. “This class will help individuals with Parkinson’s disease have better wellness in their life because they are learning how to deal with it through creative movement.”

Everyday Icon: The Dancer

Everyday Icon: The Dancer

Ali in Clementine Daily “Finding a path to your gift, finding your mantra for living a good life is the ultimate. My tool to do this just happens to be dance."

Take Root and The Leopold Group

Take Root and The Leopold Group

"Lovers of contemporary modern dance should take note..."

(313) To The (212) Choreography Exp

(313) To The (212) Choreography Exp

"Representing the (313) Saturday night are Ron De Jesús, Joori Jung, Take Root and Eisenhower Dance."

Take Root inside Detroit Performs

Take Root inside Detroit Performs

"Dance is art that moves. And like all great performance, you must catch the moment in-person to truly experience the marvel. There’s a most special example on point: Take Root. The Michigan company will perform a special, improvised work in interaction with the artists in residence at The Red Bull House of Art on Sunday, Nov. 24 at 3 p.m. The ensemble also will perform the world premiere of a brand new work as part of the afternoon’s program."

Take Root at NDEO: Student Email

Take Root at NDEO: Student Email

"Just wanted to let you I taught your Connect: Using Partnering Exploration to Enhance the Learning Environment to my 8th graders and I am now their latest hero. The status will probably only last a week but they thought that was the coolest class ever! Thank you so much for your presentation! I seriously would have loved for it to be two-three hours long and earn more about what you do."

Take Root + Kathleen Pfeiffer

Take Root + Kathleen Pfeiffer

September 2013 An essay written by Kathleen Pfeiffer, the opening reading of the Art X Detroit performance at the Detroit Institute of Arts.

Thayer in The Oakland Post

Thayer in The Oakland Post

August 2013 On performing in Costa Rica: "Despite the [cultural] differences, the passion and love for movement is universal."

Take Root in Costa Rica

Take Root in Costa Rica

July 2013 "I think the reason we love dance so much is that it's a nonverbal way of communicating emotions."

Oakland University News

Oakland University News

March 2013 "We look forward to supporting the newly formed Take Root dance company for many years, knowing that astonishingly creative and exciting experiences lie ahead for our dance program and our audiences."

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